Do you worry about how much security testing will cost your business? A lot of companies have trouble figuring out how much money they should set aside for this important protection step. The cost of vulnerability testing is usually between $10,000 and $35,000. However, prices can change a lot depending on a number of factors.

This piece will break down the main factors that affect the cost of penetration testing and give you tips on how to keep costs down. Get ready to discover cheap ways to keep your business safe.

What Makes Penetration Testing Costs What They Are

Costs for pen tests depend on a number of important factors. Because of these things, the security assessment’s reach and detail are set.

How difficult the systems being targeted are

It costs a lot to do pen tests because the systems being tested are very complicated. Custom code, old systems, and connections that don’t work with other systems make tests harder and cost more. To test these complicated sets up well, you need more time and skill.

It gets harder to do a security test when the system is more complicated.

Bugs in the system need to be looked into more by testers. For bugs in special software and old tech that are hard to find, they look. The price of the pen test goes up because of this extra work. But it’s important to find all the weak spots in complicated systems.

The Penetration Test’s Range and Size

We are now going to talk about the scope and scale of security tests instead of how complicated the systems are. These things have a big effect on costs. There are more networks, gadgets, and apps to test when the reach is bigger.

This takes more time and work, which makes prices go up.

Project size is also important. It is cheaper to test the network of a small business than the network of a large company. The price changes based on the amount of computers, IP addresses, and web apps. Costs go up when there are more things to test.

Pen testers have to find more bugs, look into more areas, and write longer reports.

How skilled and well-known the penetration testers are

Professional penetration testers with the best skills and credentials get paid more. People who are senior and have certificates from CREST, OSCP, OSCE, OSWE, or SANS are more valuable. They are worth the extra money because they know a lot about safe hacking and have done it a lot of times.

Some testers might miss these secret holes because they aren’t as skilled.

Prices are also affected by how well known a business is. Companies that are well known and have a history of passing pen tests usually charge more. In real life, their teams have shown how useful they are.

People hire these businesses because they trust them to keep their private information and computer systems safe from hackers. Most of the time, the extra money spent is worth it because choosing a reliable company gives you peace of mind.

Regulatory Compliance and Demands Specific to the Sector

Security checks must be done every year because of rules like SOC 2, ISO 27001, DORA, NIS 2, and GDPR. These rules change how much vulnerability testing costs. Businesses need to follow these rules to stay honest with their customers and avoid fines.

There are also unique needs for each industry. To protect private data, for instance, banks and health care companies need to do more tests.

After all, compliance is more than just following the rules. It’s to keep your business safe and build trust.

What kind of test the company needs depends on what they do and what rules they have to follow. For a big bank, a simple test of a web app might not cost as much as a full network scan. Companies usually spend more on tests that have to meet strict standards set by the business.

This keeps them on the right side of the law and protects their info from hackers.

Help with retesting and fixing problems

Security holes are often found during penetration testing. A lot of companies give help with retesting and fixing problems to fix these problems. For most jobs, Blaze Information Security will do one free fix check every 90 days.

This helps people make sure that their patches work well.

Fixes work because tests show that they did when they were first applied. Remediation advice helps teams use the right fixes. You can get more out of security tests with these services. They take what they find and use it to make businesses safer.

A Look at How Penetration Testing Prices Work

There are different ways to pay for penetration testing services. Set-rate deals, hourly bills, and stored points are some of these methods.

Service packages with set prices

Setting aside money for security testing is easy with set-rate service packages. A lot of companies offer flat-rate plans that start at $4,000. A lot of the time, these deals come with a set amount of IP addresses, web apps, or mobile apps to try.

Clients know what they’ll get and how much they’ll pay ahead of time.

Costs for set-rate packages depend on how much testing is done. The price will go up if the systems or networks are more complicated or bigger. Some packages may come with freebies like help with revision or the chance to take the test again.

For security testing, another popular way to set prices is to bill by time and tools.

How to Charge for Time and Materials

Costs for security testing can be changed easily with billing by time and materials. A lot of the time, testers charge between $250 and $300 an hour. This method works well for projects whose goals aren’t clear or that need more work.

Since clients only pay for the time spent checking, easy jobs can be done for less money.

This way of setting prices is often used for network penetration testing by businesses. The prices vary a lot, from $9,900 to $53,700, depending on how big and complicated the network is. With time and materials bills, clients can change how deep the test goes as needed.

It also lets changes be made quickly if new security risks show up while testing.

Credits or Days Paid Ahead

Some companies offer points or days that can be used ahead of time for security testing instead of charging by the hour. Clients can buy a set amount of testing time ahead of time with this plan. Companies usually charge between $10,000 and $35,000 for these deals.

The exact price will rely on how long the test is and how skilled the testers are.

People who choose prepaid choices have more control over how much they spend. They can use the points for different tests all year long. Businesses can better handle their protection budgets when they have this much freedom.

It also lets people respond quickly to changes in the system or new threats.

Different Types of Penetration Testing and How Much They Cost

In many ways, penetration testing can be done. Different types attack different parts of a system, and prices change based on how complicated the system is.

Testing the security of web applications

Testing websites and web apps for security holes is called web application security testing. Hackers could use these systems’ weak spots, which are checked for by experts. It costs between $5,000 and $30,000 to do this test.

Different sizes and types of apps cost different amounts.

Bugs like cross-site scripting and SQL attack are checked for by testers using tools. They also try to break in by hand, acting like real attacks. Good tests check every part of the app, like the user experience and APIs.

Bugs need to be found and fixed before bad guys can use them.

Testing for network security

Network Security Testing checks how well the computers and networks of a business are protected. Hackers are used as testers to find weak places in firewalls, routers, and other network equipment. One of these tests can cost anywhere from $150 to $1,000.

The cost is based on the network’s complexity and the number of gadgets that need to be tested.

Network tests and internal security tests are often done together by companies. There are risks in the company’s processes that are looked for by internal tests. The cost of these tests ranges from $7,000 to $35,000. The price changes based on how big the network is and how in-depth the test is.

Firms can fix security holes found by both types of testing before real attackers can use them.

Testing the security of mobile apps

Testing the security of a mobile app can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $40,000. This price changes based on how complicated the app is and how much testing needs to be done. Both Android and iOS apps are tested to find weak spots.

They check how the app stores data, talks to computers, and keeps user information safe. It’s important to find and fix security holes before hackers can use them.

Special tools are used by experts to test mobile apps fully. They might try to get in like a real person would. This process may take days or weeks, based on how big the app is. The last report helps app makers make their work safer for users.

Data leaks and hacks are less likely to happen when security is better.

Testing the security of the cloud infrastructure

When cloud infrastructure security testing is done, weak spots in cloud systems are found. It costs between $10,000 and $40,000 for this kind of test. People test the cloud to see if it is safe and if anyone can get in.

They look at things like how people log in, where data is stored, and how networks are connected.

Tests in the cloud can cost up to $50,000 for bigger jobs. The cost changes based on things like the size and complexity of the cloud setup. Also, experts look at rules that are specific to certain fields.

Laws say that companies must keep data safe, and these tests make sure they do.

Testing the security of the Internet of Things

Tests of Internet of Things (IoT) security look for weak places in smart gadgets. Tests like this one cost at least $10,000 and up to $50,000. Gates, Zigbee networks, and NFC chips are some of the things that testers look at.

They look for ways hackers could get in and do damage.

There are a lot of different gadgets, which makes IoT testing hard. There should be different tests for each one. A lot of people need to check out how gadgets connect to the cloud and to each other. The software that runs these gadgets is also checked for bugs.

This work takes a lot of time and skill, which is why it costs a lot.

More Money Matters to Think About in Penetration Testing

The costs of penetration testing go beyond the first test. Companies need to plan for extra costs, like fixing problems they find and doing regular security checks.

How Much Does Cleanup Cost?

The cost of remediation advice is added to the total cost of vulnerability testing. A lot of the time, testers charge extra to help fix bugs they find. This help comes in many forms, from simple suggestions to direct assistance.

Prices change based on how hard the problem is and how much help is needed.

Support costs can make funds tight, especially for fixes that affect a lot of people. When companies plan vulnerability tests, they should take these possible costs into account. The next part talks about some more financial things you should think about when doing security testing.

Costs for ongoing support and monitoring

Costs go up for security testing when assistance and tracking are needed all the time. In the long run, these services help keep your systems safe. Protection that lasts for a long time can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000 or more.

The exact amount will rely on how complicated your network is and how often you need to scan it.

A lot of businesses offer deals that include regular checks and quick help if something goes wrong. Plans like these usually include things like security scans, danger alerts, and help from experts.

Some companies will also teach your team how to find and fix security problems. The next part will talk about ways to lower the cost of security testing.

Ways to Keep the Costs of Penetration Testing Low

A smart company will cut the cost of pen testing without lowering the quality. Smart moves help them get better security checks for less money.

Using vendor relationships that are already in place

Penetration testing costs can be cut by removing ties to existing vendors. Pen-tests are often cheaper for long-term clients of many IT security companies. Checks for web apps, networks, and the cloud are often part of these deals.

When you work with a provider you know you can trust, you can get package deals that save you money.

Other things that vendors might offer are remedial help or continued support. This extra benefit helps you get more for your security budget. These perks can help businesses get top-notch security tests without spending a lot of money.

Discounts for Services Done Together

Better deals on penetration testing can be found for companies that want to save money instead of working with vendors. Many businesses offer savings for buying multiple services at once. If you buy more than one test at the same time, you’ll save money.

It’s possible to get a web app test and a network scan at the same time. The price goes down since the experts already know how your systems work.

In the long run, bundling tests also saves time and money. Bugs that affect different parts of your system can be found by analysts. This means that security checks are done more thoroughly. Also, you won’t have as many reports to read and act on.

Rates can also be locked in for more than one year. They give you steady prices for security work that you need to do.

In conclusion

The cost of penetration testing varies a lot. These costs can be handled with smart planning. Businesses have to weigh the cost against the risks that might come up. Costly breaches can be avoided by spending money on quality tests.

As always, regular testing is the key to good protection.