Are you having a hard time following the GDPR rules? Many companies find it tough to follow the rules. Software that is compliant with GDPR can help you keep track of personal data and privacy rules. These tips will help you choose the best tool for your needs.

Get ready for your journey to compliance to become easier.

Important Things About GDPR Compliance Software

GDPR compliance software has important tools to help companies follow the rules for keeping data safe. It’s easier to keep track of data, figure out how it affects privacy, and handle user permissions with these tools.

Data tracking and editing records of activities

Data mapping is what GDPR compliance software is built on. It helps companies understand how they gather, store, and use data. OneTrust speeds up this process with mass transfers, training, and automatic surveys and checks.

This method makes thorough Records of Processing Activities (ROPA), which is a very important GDPR requirement.

Engineers can find data handling tasks with the help of software like SoCo. Sequence maps are used to find these steps in web apps. In tests done in the real world, this tool has shown promise.

If you map your data correctly and make a ROPA, you can avoid big GDPR fines of up to €20 million, or 4% of your global annual sales.

Businesses use data mapping as a tool to find their way around GDPR compliance.

Next, let’s look at how GDPR compliance software makes privacy effect studies more efficient.

Automating estimates of privacy impacts

Privacy impact assessments (PIAs) are very important for following the GDPR. This method is made easier by OneTrust PIA and DPIA Automation software. The process of going from regulations to code is automated with a knowledge graph.

This tool helps businesses check that they are following GDPR rules more quickly and correctly.

For high-risk data handling, automating PIAs is a must. Still, a 2020 poll found that only 47% of European businesses were fully GDPR ready. PIA tools that are automated can make this number grow.

Their job is to help businesses find privacy risks early on and fix them. The next important part of GDPR compliance software is making sure that data is kept as small as possible and that consents are managed.

Managing consents and limiting the amount of data collected

Companies can follow the rules for minimizing data with the help of GDPR compliance tools. With these tools, you can only collect the info that you need. They also handle user permissions. OneTrust’s answer takes care of permission on all systems and websites.

Users can be sure that their choices are kept safe and that their privacy is respected.

Over 1 billion consents are handled by Osano’s site every month. This shows how important it is for businesses to handle agreement. The software makes sure that businesses only use info that they are allowed to.

It also helps them get rid of data when users say no longer want it. A key GDPR rule is the “right to be forgotten,” which this method supports.

Best Software for GDPR Compliance

Businesses can follow GDPR rules with the help of tools. Here are some of the best tools that make it easier to follow GDPR.


OneTrust has a strong Trust Intelligence Platform that can help with ethics, privacy, and security. This software has a tool called DataGuidance that has in-depth legal analysis from more than 40 researchers and more than 1,500 lawyers in more than 300 countries.

OneTrust has 10 offices around the world and more than 2,000 workers.

As a Great Place to Work® recognized company, OneTrust creates a pleasant place to work. The company puts on events like TrustWeek, which will take place in Madrid, Spain, from October 15th to 16th, 2023. People can learn more about data security and privacy laws at these events.


Ohano is another great company that makes GDPR compliance tools. Over 1,000 businesses use this tool to build and grow their protection programs. Osano helps businesses follow the rules of more than 50 countries, such as GDPR, CCPA/CPRA, and LGPD.

It can handle permission, requests for access to data by data subjects, data mapping, and vendors.

“No Fines. No Penalties.” is what makes Osano stand out. This promise shows that the business believes in its goods. Osano is trusted by big brands like AMC Theaters, Sesame Workshop, and White Castle to protect their privacy.

The software makes it easier for businesses of all kinds to follow privacy rules by making complicated jobs easier to do.

Proof of work

Hyperproof has a strong answer for GDPR compliance. Users can save up to 350 hours a year on audit prep with this software because it centralizes risk management and compliance tasks. Compliance programs don’t have to be set up over months; they can be done in weeks.

Hyperproof’s platform has more than 100 ready-made models for different systems.

Popular tools like Jira and Asana can be easily connected to the software to make work easier. Teams can use this tool to keep track of their work and stay in compliance. Because Hyperproof is easy to use, it’s simple for businesses to follow GDPR rules and keep personal data safe.

Why using GDPR compliance software is a good idea

Businesses can benefit from GDPR compliance tools in many ways. Plus, it speeds up legal work and proves you’re following the rules. Do you want to know more about how this program can help your business? Read on!

Increasing data safety

In more than one way, GDPR compliance software makes data safer. It checks systems for weak spots and alerts problems that could allow hackers to get in. Firms can avoid fines of up to €20 million, or 4% of their world annual income, with these tools.

Also, they free up tech staff to do jobs that make money instead of checks for compliance.

It’s easy to make rules and train people when you have good tools. It checks the ways that data is gathered to make sure they follow the rules. Problems are caught early by regular scans, which keeps data from getting into the wrong hands.

Next, we’ll talk about how this software makes legal tasks easier.

Streamlining the steps for compliance

Compliance processes run more smoothly when data is better protected. Software that helps with GDPR compliance makes these jobs easier to do, faster, and more accurate. This software takes care of a lot of boring tasks automatically, like organizing data and getting permissions.

It also helps gather proof of compliance, which is very important for checks.

Human mistake is cut down by automation, and time is saved. Companies don’t have to do legal work by hand, so they can focus on other important jobs. The program makes sure that businesses stay up to date by keeping track of changes to the rules.

It also leaves clear audit trails, which makes it easier to show officials that rules were followed. Firms can stay in line with these tools without having to use a lot of resources.

Showing responsibility and following the rules

Companies can show they follow GDPR rules with the help of software. It makes it easy to see how a company deals personal information. These tools help businesses show they are doing things right by making reports.

They keep track of checks for privacy effect, permission, and data access. This makes it easy for the company to show that it cares about people’s data rights.

GDPR software has automated processes that make mistakes less likely to happen. A record of all data actions and choices is kept by them. Clients and business partners will trust you more. Also, it keeps you from getting fined for breaking the rules.

It’s easy to answer data requests from users or inspectors when you have good GDPR tools. They tell you everything you need to know about how a business always keeps personal information safe.

Picking the Right Software for GDPR Compliance

It’s important for your business to choose the right GDPR compliance tools. Check to see if the software follows GDPR rules and works with the tools you already have.

Comparing the features of software to the GDPR standards

For GDPR compliance to work, it’s important to compare software features to GDPR standards. Businesses need to make sure that the tools they’re considering can actually follow the GDPR rules.

This method, called “regulation-to-code,” helps make laws work in the real world. Good GDPR software should have tools for tracking data, managing consent, and alerting people when there is a breach.

There are a lot of tools out there that don’t fully meet GDPR requirements. To make up for this, companies should look for tools that can do automatic regulatory checks. With this tool, businesses can quickly and easily check their GDPR status.

The right software can also help with handling foreign data exchanges and figuring out how to protect data.

Combining new and old systems

GDPR compliance software needs to work well with the tools you already have. The best options work well with well-known systems like Asana and Jira. With this tool, teams can handle legal jobs without having to move apps.

It helps you get more done in less time.

Strong connection choices also help writers set rules for protecting material. For instance, iubenda’s software has a single screen for managing legal tasks. It’s easier to keep track of and follow GDPR rules across different systems with this set up.

Good integration makes sure that your efforts to protect privacy don’t get in the way of your daily work.

User reviews and the image of the business

After making sure that your GDPR compliance software works well with other systems, it’s important to think about what users think and how you stand in the market. User reviews are a great way to find out how well a piece of software works in the real world.

OneTrust, for example, has a great 4.7 grade from 308 reviews, and 87% of those users say they would suggest it. Also, Osano has a 4.7 grade based on 117 reviews, and 90% of those reviews say they would suggest it.

These high marks show that users are happy with the software and that it works well.

When picking GDPR compliance software, the image of the company is very important. Solutions from vendors with a good track record are often more reliable. They usually have better customer service and keep up with changes to data privacy rules.

Together, user reviews and the software’s reputation in the industry give a clear picture of how well and reliably it handles data protection jobs.

How GDPR compliance software helps protect privacy

Software that helps businesses comply with GDPR helps them handle provider risks. It also makes it easy and safer to send info between countries.

Taking care of seller risks

GDPR compliance software helps you keep an eye on seller risks. For this job, tools like OneTrust and Osano are very useful. Due diligence and re-audits are two ways that OneTrust makes partner risk management easier.

Osano evaluates vendors and keeps track of changes that affect privacy. These tools let privacy, security, and audit teams see who is viewing data from outside the company in real time.

Managing vendor risk is an important part of keeping data safe. It makes sure that outside companies follow GDPR rules when they deal with personal data. As part of this process, sellers are evaluated, their actions are watched, and any problems are dealt with right away.

Good partner risk management helps keep compliance and stops data breaches. In the next part, we’ll look at how GDPR compliance software makes sending data between countries easier.

Making it easier to send info between countries

It’s important to manage provider risks, but it’s also important to make it easier to send data between countries. Software that helps with GDPR compliance makes this process easy. When businesses move data across countries, it helps them get permission and stop people from tracking that data.

Popular GDPR tool Osano can tell where EU users are from. With this function, companies can easily handle who agrees to send data. The software also helps companies follow GDPR rules, which are rules that all companies in the EU must follow when working with EU individuals’ data.

If you don’t follow the rules, you could be fined up to 4% of your annual world income or €20 million, whichever is higher. Companies can protect their privacy and the privacy of their customers when they do business around the world by using these tools.

In conclusion

Software that helps businesses follow the law and protect data is called GDPR compliance software. It’s easier to keep track of, handle, and protect sensitive information with these tools. Plus, they help businesses show they follow the rules.

Which software you choose will rely on your wants and the tools you already have. You can protect your info and lower your risks with the right tool.